Thursday, October 29, 2009

Halloween Printable Freebies

Just in time, we have a couple of FREE Halloween Printable skill/activity sheets for you!

The first activity is Halloween Candy Store. Students decide what candy they would buy with $1.00 to spend! Click HERE to download for free.

The second activity is Halloween Colorful Hats. Students color the witch hats based on a color code. This is a great activity for practicing place value! Click HERE to download for free.


**For personal and classroom use only!**

Halloween and Reading

Two Halloween/book ideas we're loving today:

- Books for Treats " Books for Treats is a program that encourages you to give 'gently read' children's books at Halloween instead of candy." We're teachers, so of course we love this idea. We're no scrooges, we think kids should still get candy at Halloween. But they'll get plenty of it and a great book will last much longer.

- The Book Fairy is an idea I heard about from a mom (can't find it anywhere online, sorry!) She has her kids fill a smaller bag with their favorite treats after they get home from trick or treating. Then they put the rest of their candy on the porch for the Book Fairy who trades the candy for new reading material. This is a great way for kids to have the experience of trick or treating, get to enjoy some yummy treats, and get some new books!

If you want to still give out candy, that's ok! But we thought these ideas were really great and worth considering if you were looking for something new this year.

Kids Home Sick From School

Just saw this on the Scholastic blog and thought they were great suggestions for educational activities when your kids are home sick from school.
"Being sick is no fun...but learning while home from school can be! Francie Alexander, our Chief Academic Officer, offers these tips for keeping kids learning even while they're under the covers.

1. Curl up with a good book: Both for comfort and to keep learning. Your child will be getting smarter while getting better.

2. Listen to an audiobook: Too sick to read alone? With an audiobook, kids are still gaining vocabulary and comprehension skills

3. Look for learning-themed children’s TV programs: Great shows on PBS like WordGirl or The Electric Company – or Clifford for the little ones!

4. Play games: Word games and crossword puzzles are fun ways to get reading practice. Visual puzzles help younger kids with problem solving and spatial relationships."
We also suggest playing a game from Second Story Window! Read the rest of the article here.